Friday, January 12, 2007

Lame Excuses

It's not that I don't want to post - but I still cannot find the freakin' cord to the camera!
Been knitting on my Noni bag and my daughter's Weasley sweater. Who would have thought that a college freshman would want a Weasley sweater? Evidently, IU Bloomington has Hogwarts Week and poor Danielle felt left out. I've got strict instructions to make a Weasley sweater, a Gryffindor scarf AND a cape. WHEW!
Actually, I would love a cape. I bought a Kinsale Cloak pattern last year and never found the right fabric for it. Guess I better double my efforts.
The baby bunnies are turning into BIG bunnies! But they are still so gosh darn cute.
I need to find that cord!
Stay tuned.

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