Saturday, June 27, 2009


OK - I've said it. I'm done screwing up socks. While I was able to complete my first pair just fine, the second has messed me up big time. When I went to start knitting in the round again - the front and back didn't match up. WTF!

SO - I started knitting a lace shawl. Girasole by Jared Flood. An absolutely GORGEOUS shawl that I hope I can finish. So far, so good. Sheri at the Loopy Ewe was kind enough to offer a 20% discount to anyone purchasing yarn for the KAL. I LOVE THE LOOPY EWE! Not only phenominal promotions, but uber fast servicee.
Anyway, here is the start of my shawl:

I read on one of the Ravelry forums that you should NOT use dark colors when knitting lace shawls. I don't know about you, but I LOVE the look of this dark color. This is Malibrigo Sock yarn in the color "Persia" and I love the subtle varigation and the darkness of the color itself. I'm tired of listening to other people. I'm going to knit what makes my heart SING.


1 comment:

Jeri said...

You should knit whatever your heart desires! And why not?
Thanks for the comment on the Gluten-Free cookies...yum!
All the best,
Knitbird on Ravelry